The AIRcable Host XR on a Mac
Connecting the Host XR to a Mac
Getting the AIRcable Host XR5 on a Mac or Macbook gives unprecedented long range Bluetooth capabilities: for listening to music, connect keyboard and mouse in your home theatre setup or getting sensor data from across the house. But, sometimes, the operating system OSX does not let you switch between the build-in Bluetooth to the external Host XR5.
Here is how you get the Mac to recognize the AIRcable Host XR5.
If you are using any Bluetooth device on your Mac, especially a BT Apple Mouse or keyboard, OSX will ignore the new Host XR5 when plugged in. The trick is, you must disconnect all Bluetooth devices, unpair those devices with the Bluetooth Manager and then disable Bluetooth on the top status bar. You may have to use a USB mouse and/or a plugin keyboard to work on your Mac without Bluetooth. If you are using MacBook trackpad and keyboard, no problem.
open System Preferences and Click on Bluetooth
in Bluetooth window, select “Show Bluetooth in menu bar” at bottom of window.
then, holding “shift” and “option” together on keyboard, then click the BT Icon in menu bar
you also get the DEBUG menu with additional commands to reset your Bluetooth hardware
remember the first half of the MAC address. That is the manufacturer's ID
select “Turn Bluetooth Off", the Bluetooth Icon will dim when BT is off
wait at least 5 seconds then plug your USB cable with AIRcable Host XR into an active USB port
then click on BT icon in menu bar and select “Turn Bluetooth On"
after some period of time the BT icon in the menu bar should undim and the Blue LED on the AIRcable should start blinking to indicate the receiver is active
the “control - option” trick should now show a different address. AIRcable's MAC addresses start with 00-25-bf-..
Switching back to Built-in Bluetooth is pretty much the same way. Just Select “Turn Bluetooth Off” in the BT menu, disconnect the dongle, and after a few seconds select, “Turn Bluetooth On” and if the BT icon undims you are set. You could check the address again to be sure.
Bluetooth security is based on the MAC address. This means that you have to pair your devices again to every new Bluetooth radio.